Law Firms in Dubai

Shadow IT refers to the use of IT-related systems, software and services within an organization without proper approval from the IT department of the organization. The adoption of cloud-based services has eased the sharing and storage of data but has also made data vulnerable in terms of security and compliance. Like all major businesses, law firms in dubai are also impacted by shadow IT. Legal professionals working in law firms sometimes argue that shadow IT is important and helps them in working efficiently. In many cases, the needs of an employee that cannot be fulfilled by the IT department can be more effectively managed by an application or software that can be downloaded easily from the internet free of cost.

It is important for law firms to understand the potential threats posed by shadow IT and the apparent benefits of shadow IT for employees. The data available with law firms is highly confidential and a breach can have drastic consequences for the law firm. A security breach resulting in access to confidential data by a third party not only makes the law firm liable for legal action but also results in the loss of trust of current and future clients. Trust is a major factor that binds the law firm and its clients, if the clients of a law firm cannot trust their law firm to safeguard their data, the clients have no other option but to switch to a law firm that can guarantee confidentiality.

Law Firms in UAE like Law Firms in Dubai should make sure that their employees and IT departments are aligned with the policies regarding shadow IT. The employees should be made aware of the consequences and the IT department should also be made aware of the necessity of fulfilling the IT needs of employees within a reasonable time frame. Furthermore, all official systems should have checks and balances to ensure that unauthorized programs and applications cannot be used without proper authorization from the IT department. The policies should not only be beneficial for the firm and its clients but should also be acceptable for the employees and should not cause any unnecessary difficulties for the employees.

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