Accidents at Construction Sites

Construction sites have a lot of potential dangers for workers. The main cause of fatal accidents at construction sites is falling from height. This includes falling from scaffolding, ladders, ropes, or access platforms. There are many legal implications of accidents at construction sites and companies in the construction business need to make their site managers aware of the local laws and regulations as well as the reporting mechanisms in case of an accident. Timely reporting of an incident to the relevant authority plays a significant role in a fair investigation.

The municipality plays a major role in investigating accidents at construction sites in Dubai. It is important for companies to realize that regardless of the outcome of the investigation, it is always better to report the accident as soon as possible. The process for reporting the accident comprises the following steps:

  1. The witness informs the supervisor who informs the manager.

  2. The manager identifies the type of incident and informs the relevant authorities, which may be, Dubai Municipality, Dubai Police, and Dubai Civil Defense

The investigative team of Dubai’s Municipality investigates the incident thoroughly and prepares a report, which is used for legal proceedings.

It is very important for the company as well as the individuals involved in the incident to consult Lawyers in Dubai as soon as possible. The UAE law has no provision for indemnity, therefore, the individual who is responsible for the incident has to face the consequences themselves and the company cannot take responsibility for the actions of its employees. In most cases, the accused party has to face criminal charges. If found guilty of negligence, there is a possibility of imprisonment of up to 7 years, depending on the situation. In the case of fatality, the penalty may even be more severe.

Accidents at construction sites are thoroughly investigated and usually take the form of criminal cases. Therefore, it is advisable to hire lawyers in Dubai who have the experience and the expertise to ensure that their client gets a fair investigation and gets the opportunity to present their defence.

Lawyers and Law are for legal help. This is not for promotions or just a PR strategy. Law is made so no one could accede to the rules and Lawyers are made, if he does then he could be held accountable. We all believe that,

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