Asset Recovery after Court Proceedings

It is a very common occurrence that a party does not pay back what is owed to another party or illegally takes over the assets of the other party. In such cases, a civil court case is filed and both parties are required to present the case and a judgment is passed by the judge. There are detailed laws and regulations regarding the recovery of disputed assets or cash owed from one party to another. In order to ensure that the case is properly filed and the rightful owner of the assets gets their assets back, it is critical to hire a good lawyer in dubai. A lawyer who has the proper experience and expertise should be hired so that a strong case can be presented before the court.

Read Here: The Top 10 Lawyers in Dubai

A Lawyer’s job does not end with the passing of judgment. A lawyer helps their client in not only filing the case and presenting it before the judge but also ensures that the judgment is enforced properly and the client gets what is rightfully theirs. Furthermore, an experienced lawyer is aware of the steps that the debtor can take to get out of paying back the debt and can take countermeasures. These countermeasures help to ensure that the debtor does not flee, hide their assets or use any illegal means that may result in a loss for the creditor.

In case of debt owed in the form of cash, a notice is given to the party that owes the debt and they have to make the full payment within 15 days of the date of the notification. In the event that the judgment is based on evacuation or delivery of an asset, the date is specifically mentioned in the notice for the execution of the judgment.

A good Lawyer in Dubai who has experience with cases related to asset recovery can identify if there are chances of the other party using unfair means to get out of executing the terms of the judgment. In such a case, the lawyer can take several steps to safeguard the rights of their client.

The Good Lawyers also charge on very reasonable grounds, they do not take the extra charges because this is not good on moral grounds. Therefore the Emirati Advocates in UAE are the best in the sense that they offer good services with quality support and trust. They are good in the legal knowledge and legal services, therefore we must say that affordability is one of the reasons, we should not ignore while hiring lawyers and legal consultants.

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